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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cossakcs & Tartars braunstein-esque game musings part II

This time I'll focus on the previously established factions.

Registered cossacks
Registered cossacks are those few, who got enrolled into the register, that is a part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's army. Their leader is Hryhoryj Czornyj - the Registerd Cossacks Hetman.They currently reside in the city of Cherkasy.

- prevent unregistered cossacks from revolting
- protect Cherkasy from Tartars

Secret goals:
- prevent registered cossacks from flipping sides to the unregistered ones

Unregistered cossacks
Those cossacks weren't enough lucky to get in to the register. Poor and angry, try to get rich by pillaging nearby noblemen's holdings and raiding on chaikas crimean estates. There're the main force behind most of the cossacks' revolts. They are led by Taras Fedorowicz.

- Make the registered cossack to flipp to your side
- protect Taras Fedorowicz from PLC army

Secret goals:
- kidnapp Hryhoryj Chornyj

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth army
These soldiers are the part of Polish-Lithuanian army that stays in the city of Cherkasy for winter. They are part of the komput.

- pacify drive away unregistered cossacks from Cherkasy
- protect the city from the Tartars

Secret goal:
- kindapp Taras Fedorowicz

Townsfolk of Cherkasy 
Tired of stay and abuse of cossacks and PLC army. Mostly greek orthodox ruthenian people, some jews, armenians and german city watch.

- protect your belongings from PLC army, registered and unregistered cossacks and tartars

These are the tartars from uluses pillaged by the cossacks. There are mean and angry looking for revenge on cossacks and loot.

- kidnapp Taras Fedorowicz
- take as much yasir as possible

Secret goals:
- check the fortifications of the city and make plans of them for the future siege.

Next time more on the rules.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cossacks & Tartars braunstein-esque game musings part I

For a long time I've wanted to run a braunsteinesque game, but many obstacles were laid in front of me. First I didn't have minis, and what more - there wasn't any range of minis that would be required to play XVIIc. PLC game. Second, I  only had a vague knowledge what braunstein was, yet enough to spur my imagination. Now I have sculpted or converted enough minis to play such a game, I've also came across some very insightful descriptions of this type of game.

First is to establish a plot, a quite uncomplicated one. So here's my:

The game is set in the south-eastern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in march 1630 near Cherkasy. The civil unreast makes the atmosphere very dense. Those cossacks that didn't get in to the register, envy those that did. Some of them came to the city of Cherkasy, where Hryhoryj Czornyj- the hetman of registered cossacks with his men stayed for the winter. In Cherkasy stay also some soldiers of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to keep peace in this tumultuous region and time. It is said that tartars are coming near Cherkasy to counter-raid unregistered cossaks, who sacked their domain. In the middle of this hard situation is the townsfolk of Cherkasy.

From this short scenario pitch we can pick few (favourably odd number) factions:

Registered cossacks
Unregistered cossacks
Polish-Lithuanian army
Townsfolk of Cherkasy

More in the part two of the musings.

I'm not dead

Hello gentle readers I'm not dead. For the past 4 weeks or so I have been intensly working (and I still do) on my M.A. thesis in psychology and I really didn't have the time to write anything here. But still in my very restriced spare time I've sculpted and converted some minis  for the Cossacks & Tartars, which I hope to use in a braunsteinesque game near the Christmas. As for the progress in the Cossack & Tartars, I'm waiting for the proofreaders' feedback and I'm working on a booklet about magic & magical beasts for it.